I was not sure of the exact date though or I would have feigned illness. (Then again, I would have had to stop eating for that, so maybe it is all for the best.) To get back to the day , HE came today. I do not mean God, but the devil. Yes, the V.E.T. Mostly he comes for Simba and I just enjoy barking at him. This time it was my turn to get poked with those sharp needles. The parents keep telling me it is for my good and I do not want to upset them. So, I have not yet bitten the devil. nothing can stop me from letting him know that I do not like him and I know my growling does it too. Just today, I heard him express relief that I do not fall sick! (mom touched wood.. I wish it had been his block head)

The good thing - I heard them say it is done for a year. Also, I get some treats when the V.E.T. leaves. So it is not all bad. You win some and lose some. I am waiting for the day the V.E.T. loses some skin to some poor unsuspecting dog!!!
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