Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sleepy time tails


Dappled in shade?

With half the sun?

Off the step?

On a bed?

On your back?

With a friend!

out and upside

Upside down

On the couch

Snug as a bug on the rug!

Snooze on the rug?

All in line?
Gives new meaning to the phrase 'let sleeping dogs lie.' So, how do yoy get your ZZZs?

1 comment:

  1. WOW! These doggies sure are pampered. Looking at your pictures, all that comes to my mind is "How do you keep your house so clean?" I have no pets. Just a baby girl and I'm a little embarrassed to have people other than close friends and family over because our couch is so full of stains. W're waiting for our little girl to grow up a little more before we re-upholster!
